Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Westlaw (and You!)

So I have the same conflicting relationship with Westlaw that a lot of librarians seem to have. Mainly, that they charge too much for mostly free content, and look down on the profession that keeps them in business.

...but they throw a great party. With an open bar. And the "Electric Slide"!

(Don't know how to do it? I'll teach you-teach you-teach you.)

So when I heard about Westlaw's new Cobalt (also known as WestNext for those of us playing in ice) my initial reaction was "HOLY CRAP THAT SOUNDS GREAT AND LIKE IT'S GOING TO COST A LOT OF MONEY."

And now, I will know for certain. With the Free Breakfast (and Demo) that West is offering here.

Eggs! Coffee! Search engines!

EDIT: Apparently, West/Thompson is so crazy, that after seeing what was once a picture of an ice sculpture saying "WestNext" commissioned and constructed outside of one of their offices (the above noted missing image), that they have friend locked the pictures, and reprimanded their employed to STFU Dudes. No one is supposed to know what the damn thing is even called. Now that's high level neurotic.

Better be some damn good eggs.

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