Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Big Damn List of Things To Do

It's big. And scary And I'm totally wrapping myself in a Brown Coat of Comfort until it's all over.

1) Thesis-- Due on May 18th

2) Thesis (Rough Draft)-- Oh crap, when is this due? Crap, crap, crap.

3) Archives Paper-- 15 pages on folksonomies and the rise of social networking archives, which requires a brief meeting with my archival-BFF.

For all that I love Ben Alexander, I'm an idiot for taking one of his classes at the same time as my thesis. A masochistic, big idiot.

4) The God of the Hive-- Came out today. Guess what's going on the back burner for the next twelve obsessive hours of reading? If you guessed "Everything," you win a prize. I'll figure out what when I'm done reading this book.

5) Getting the IRB form signed-- Eventually, Professor Kibirige and I have to sit and have a talk. I'll bring ladyfingers and tea. It'll be great.

6) Archives Presentation-- Tomorrow. Which of course means it'll actually get pushed back about two weeks, but still. Presentation. Tomorrow. (It's about comic books. Rock on.)

7) Clean My Apartment-- Seriously. It's starting to get a little stinky.

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