Thursday, April 29, 2010

Flat Stanley: Promoting Literacy By Being in my Pants

So like a week ago, I was all "let's run around a convention center in a strange town for four days with little sleep, water, food, and respite. And also, semi-insult/become new twitter BFFs with Bill Willingham, become Batgirl, and do some other stuff that I can't remember now."

Yeah. Remember that? Good times.

But more important than the fact that I am Batgirl (only just slightly) is that I had a little man in my pants.

That's right, Flat Stanley came with me. I was both happy to see everyone and had something in my pocket.

And other people were happy to see us, too. See? I have photographic evidence.

Follow the jump for a photo dump. (Rhyming skillz yo.)

Flat Stanley does covert work for COBRA on the side. He can slip under doors and blend into sand-- GI Joe stands no chance.

He hung out with some awesome librarians at the ALA Booth

(Yoda came too.)

Iron Man almost beat him up because Stanley was all "Yo, Tony Stark! My parents are still alive! Ha ha ha!" And Tony Stark was all "Imma kill you."  And then Flat Stanley was all "That's cool, my PARENTS will come to my funeral. FACE!"

Yeah. His meeting with Bruce Wayne didn't end well either.

You may be asking yourself, Self, how did Flat Stanley manage to do so much from the comfort and safety of Clair's belt loops? It doesn't seem physically possible!

Flat Stanley does five impossible things before breakfast!

...and there were a lot of time travelers at this thing.

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