Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Text Me Money

So the Brooklyn Public Library has recently set up a system where, similar to the Haiti Donations, you can give to the library via text message. Text once, donate $10 to the BPL via a charge on your end of the month bill.

This brings up two very interesting ideas for me:

1) How amazing that we've evolved as librarians to the point where instead of scoffing at text messages as a way of delivering information and funds (the way some more traditional librarians have-- I'm looking at you Michael Gorman, and glaring politely in disgust), we've embraced this "new" technology as a legitimate means of growing and reaching more users. This shows a modernness and a focus on patron needs that I am proud to be a part of as a profession.

and 2)
Where can I get me one of these "text this number and I get money" phone #s? Because I could use a new set of tea cups, and this sounds promising.

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